Reclasseren: toezicht en hulpverlening?

Auteurs René Poort, Bart Hagtingius, Jacqueline Bosker
Gepubliceerd in PROCES
Publicatiedatum 1 februari 2021
Lectoraat Werken in Justitieel Kader
Soort publicatie Artikel


In the 1980s there was a lot of discussion about whether monitoring special conditions should be a probation task, and whether this can be combined with offering help and assistance. The authors show that this discussion has been settled by introducing a specific knowledge base for probation work. They outline a number of important developments in recent decades: the focus on risk and the enforced framework, and the great influence of new technology. Nevertheless, an important basis for probation remains unchanged: the quality of the contact between probation officer and client.

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Taal Nederlands
Gepubliceerd in PROCES
Jaar en volume 2021 1-2
Trefwoorden Reclassering Probation, toezicht supervision, duale opdracht dual role, technologie technology
Paginabereik 11-24