Human lung epithelial cell cultures for analysis of inhaled toxicants

Authors P.S. Hiemstra, G. Grootaers, A.M. van der Does, Cyrille Krul, Ingeborg M. Kooter
Published in Toxicol In Vitro
Publication date 2017
Research groups Innovative Testing in Life Sciences & Chemistry
Type Article


doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2017.11.005 / PMID:29155131

On this publication contributed

  • Cyrille Krul | lector | lectoraat Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry
    Cyrille Krul
    • Lector
    • Research group: Innovative Testing in Life Sciences & Chemistry

Language Engels
Published in Toxicol In Vitro
Year and volume 47 nov 15
Key words Inhalation toxicology
Page range 137-146

Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry