Effects of data feedback in the teacher training community

Authors Tamar Tas, Thoni Houtveen, Wim van de Grift
Published in Journal of Professional Capital and Community
Publication date 2019
Research groups Meertaligheid en Onderwijs
Type Article


The purpose of this paper is to answer the question, what progress student teachers make during one academic year, while being trained in a professional learning community, using objective classroom observation, using lesson preparation templates that match their developmental stage and stage-focused mentor feedback.

On this publication contributed

  • Tamar Tas
    Tamar Tas
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Werken in Onderwijs

Language Engels
Published in Journal of Professional Capital and Community
Key words capacity building, professional learning community, collaboration, coaching, data feedback, teacher training, professional development, quality of teaching
Digital Object Identifier 10.1108/JPCC-09-2019-0023

Tamar Tas

Tamar Tas

Tamar Tas

  • Onderzoeker
  • Research group: Werken in Onderwijs