Increasing value and reducing waste by optimizing the development of complex interventions

Authors Nienke Bleijenberg, Janneke de Man-van Ginkel, J.C.A. Trappenburg, Roelof Ettema, Carolien Sino, Noor Heim, Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir, David A. Richards, Marieke Schuurmans
Published in International Journal of Nursing Studies
Publication date 2018
Type Artikel


In recent years there has been much emphasis on 'research waste' caused by poor question selection, insufficient attention to previous research results, and avoidable weakness in research design, conduct and analysis. Little attention has been paid to the effect of inadequate development of interventions before proceeding to a full clinical trial. We therefore propose to enrich the development phase of the MRC Framework by adding crucial elements to improve the likelihood of success and enhance the fit with clinical practice METHODS: Based on existing intervention development guidance and synthesis, a comprehensive iterative intervention development approach is proposed. Examples from published reports are presented to illustrate the methodology that can be applied within each element to enhance the intervention design.

On this publication contributed

Language Engels
Published in International Journal of Nursing Studies
Key words complexe interventies, richtlijnen, interventieontwikkeling
Page range 86-93

Nienke Bleijenberg

Nienke Bleijenberg | lector | lectoraat Chronisch Zieken

Nienke Bleijenberg

  • Lector
  • Research group: Proactieve zorg voor thuiswonende ouderen