Critical policy discourse analysis

Authors Nicolien Montesano Montessori, Michael Farrelly, Jane Mulderrig
Publication date 2019
Research groups Normatieve Professionalisering
Type Boek


This book provides a series of contemporary and international policy case studies analysed through discursive methodological approaches in the traditions of critical discourse analysis, social semiotics and discourse theory. This is the first volume that connects this discursive methodology systematically to the field of critical policy analysis and will therefore be an essential book for researchers who wish to include a discursive analysis in their critical policy research.

On this publication contributed

Language Engels
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978 1 78897 495 0, eBook 978 1 78897 496 7
Key words critical discourse analysis, critical policy analysis, critical social science

Nicolien Montesano Montessori

Nicolien Montesano Montessori

  • Onderzoeker
  • Research group: Communicatie in Digitale Transitie